How to Best Protect Your Mobile Devices

by | Mar/11/2019

The RSA Security Conference is wrapping up today. I’ve been here all week, and almost all of the best security companies demonstrated their security protection tools. Guess what was missing? Mobile device protection. If more than 70% of all Internet traffic is now from iPhones, iPads, and Android devices, why aren’t they more protected? The companies who make tools that protect mobile devices fell into two categories:

-Nay-sayers said: Although we can remotely track and remotely erase them, our programs do not protect mobile devices since manufacturers, especially Apple, block protection tools.
-Two of the companies said and even demonstrated how their tools protect mobile devices against everything from malware, such as the infamous Flexi-Spy spyware, to people attempting to break in and steal private information. Additionally, the tools can even protect devices if a user connects at a coffee shop or other public network.

The latter offerings are best. The protection software is available for people in companies, but not for families. If you want to protect your family, you will need to pretend you are a small company and buy a minimum number of licenses to purchase the tools.

Expect more details soon. For now, be excited to know that finally some security tools effectively protect mobile devices.