The iPhone 6 will have options for both the normal screen size as well as a new, larger, 5.5 inch screen. It is doubtful that they will be shipping for months, and Apple hasn’t made an official announcement – but one might come as early as today.
Discussing this with a chief executive last week, he expressed that his phone needs to be able to fit into his pocket in order for the phone to be useful. That makes a lot of sense.
In my experience, temporarily switching to a larger phone with a six-inch screen, just as an experiment, became permanent. With big fingers, and eyesight affected by experiencing more and more birthdays, the larger screen is a wonderful thing!
Perhaps with perfect timing, that phone fell on the ground last night and the screen cracked. Moments later, I ordered a replacement despite the scratches caused to my left ear. If the new iPhone 6 with the larger screen were already shipping, it would have been very tempting to order it instead.
If you choose to purchase an iPhone 6, will you opt for the new larger screen or prefer to stick with the normal screen? And why?