Be Prepared if the Worst Happens
After working with thousands of companies, the Foster Institute knows the type of concerns that keep many business owners and top executives up at night.
You know, those nagging thoughts about the IT security of your company.
Mike Foster, Certified Ethical Hacker, Certified Information Systems Auditor, and Certified Information Systems Security Professional, of the Foster Institute can help you protect your business and solve challenges your in-house and/or outsourced IT professionals are facing.
Do Any of These Cybersecurity Concerns Sound Familiar?
What if Your Network Gets Attacked?
Maybe you don’t know if your firewall, network, and cloud configuration is as secure as you think.
What if Your Website Gets Attacked?
Is it secure enough to withstand attacks from around the world?
What if You Had a Data Breach?
Would you lose your top customers? Could it take your business down completely?
Are Your Employees Compromising Your Security?
Do they work from home? Do they use mobile devices for work? What if the device got stolen?
Why Does Technology Spending Seem Like a Black Hole, Using Up Money with Little Return?
Are you making full use of the technology and services you already invested in?
What if You Lose Out on New Clients Because You’re Not Compliant?
What IT standards must you meet, and are you compliant with applicable laws and regulations?
These are valid concerns, and uncertainty over whether your systems and your company are protected can be terrifying. Now, you might be lying awake at night worrying about what could happen. A call to Mike Foster is the first step to calming those worries, protecting your business, and guarding the data and information you hold most dear.
Mike always took the time to explain (in non-technical terms) what we needed to improve and why we needed to change things. This helped define our challenges and fine tune our solutions—with incredible results. I had a good understanding of what Mike was coming in to do for us, and so did he. We were on the same page from day one. Even now I am still in discussion with him and learning from him. Thanks Mike!
It was a wonderful experience listening to Mike. His presentation was great, and I learned so much in that brief period of time. I know now that what we are currently doing as far as security is probably not enough, but thanks to Mike, our eyes are open and we know the steps we need to take.
Some professional speakers can seem cold or aloof, but I was delighted to find Mike approachable, interesting, and easy to listen to. I found his information to be on the money and truly viable. After hearing Mike speak and benefiting from his insight, I know what I need to do (starting with an audit of our IT professionals soon!).
Mike is extremely knowledgeable on many security-related topics, which makes his speaking engagements informative and enjoyable. Just hearing his program really increased my own awareness of what’s going on today in our industry.
Mike’s positive attitude and interactive style really helped make everything much easier to follow. He offered a lot of specific to do’s for when I got back to the office; I understand the need for developing a more comprehensive IT strategy.
Wow! I was amazed by the amount of custom information included in the program. Its timing was perfect, and Mike’s knowledge was excellent. I definitely increased my understanding of the Internet and the growing number of security issues IT must continue to tackle.
Mike speaks our language and doesn’t get caught up in jargon or theory… he offers straight, real-world solutions I can go back and start using right away. He’s a great speaker, knows his stuff and is well worth the price.
Put your IT concerns to rest! Call today
Find out more about IT security service options you need, or contact Mike Foster directly at (707) 200-2095 discuss how he can help protect your business!