As the City of Atlanta is still recovering from the massive ransomware attack on March 22, NYC is launching a program that provides secure Internet access for residents and visitors at no charge.
NYC’s Mayor Bill de Blasio signed an executive order to establish the New York City Cyber Command. The command has developed the initiative called NYC Secure.
NYC is setting the fantastic precedence of protecting citizens, and visitors, from cyber-attacks. The system protects both iPhone and Android users.
Yesterday, I sought out and met, one on one, with the lead developer of the security app that is one component of NYC Secure. I quickly steered the conversation to the technology behind the protection mechanisms.
After conversing with this security guru, a mathematical genius, for almost an hour, I’m happy to report that the level of protection is unprecedented.
In fact, most corporations do not provide some of the powerful features built into the NYC public system.
Please forward this message to your mayor, and ask them to follow this model and protect the citizens of your city too!