Three Dangers for Executives to Know About

by | Aug/22/2013

IT Security is mandatory—even for organizations with no sensitive data. Here are three dangers, and one advantage you need to know about:

  1. Attackers may breach and steal sensitive data including medical, financial, and payment card data. Intellectual property falls into this category, too.
  2. Attackers can stop your ability to produce, block access email and Internet, or crash your systems so that you cannot function. Your email may get “black listed” if attackers use your mail server to send out spam.
  3. Attackers could store inappropriate material on your computer systems—stuff that can get you into big trouble.
  4. On the positive, being super-secure can be a huge selling point when you serve customers who are concerned about their data’s security and/or want you to be able to process information for them with no down-time. This is especially important when certifications are required such as HIPAA and PCI. Use IT security to differentiate yourself from your competitors!