What to Know About Windows 11

by | Jun/18/2021

Microsoft is refreshing the user experience, including modernizing menus, rounding corners on rectangles, and creating a new startup sound. The introduction is mesmerizing: https://youtu.be/Uh9643c2P6k

Microsoft is enhancing the security of Windows 11 by requiring your computer to be configured for more secure booting up and logging in. The technology is behind the scenes for executives. Your IT Pros know about technology requirements named TPM v2 and secure boot. Microsoft is using its might to force manufacturers and users to implement existing security controls that are often ignored.

You might decide not to upgrade. Microsoft will support Windows 10 through October 14, 2025. Eventually, some of your programs might require an upgrade for the application to work correctly. Your IT team will need time to apply the upgrades and tune settings.

Prepare your company now. Visit with your IT team in a few weeks after they’ve had an opportunity to familiarize themselves with Windows 11. Let them tell you the pros and cons of upgrading your organization to Windows 11.

Windows 11 is a free upgrade if you have Windows 10. Though the official Windows 11 won’t be available until the holidays, you can get Windows 11 now if you become an insider at https://blogs.windows.com/windows-insider/2021/06/24/preparing-for-insider-preview-builds-of-windows-11/ Microsoft provides a tool to see if your computer has enough power and is appropriately configured to run Windows 11: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/windows-11#pchealthcheck

The IT Team’s most precious resource is time, so planning with them is essential. And please remember to have IT Pros appreciation days! Your IT Pros sometimes perform miracles behind the scenes by averting a pending disaster before you even notice.

Please forward this to your business associates who might not realize there’s about to be a new Windows version so they can plan with their IT team now.