Ditch Passwords for Good: The Ultimate Guide to Passkeys and Passwordless Authentication

by | May/4/2023

Why to Go Passwordless:

When you eliminate passwords:
– You don’t need to worry about creating, forgetting, or re-using passwords because you don’t use passwords.
– IT Helpdesk Professionals save time since they don’t have to help users who forget their passwords.
– Hackers will not try to trick users into disclosing passwords because the user won’t know passwords.

Microsoft, and others, continue to make their big push for people to go passwordless.

Alternatives to Passwords:

Today, determine where and how you can eliminate passwords from your life. Focus on using:

Something you have:
– A USB Token such as a YubiKey
– A proximity badge you wear around your neck or carry in your pocket
– An authenticator app on your smartphone or tablet
– A text message, phone call, or email with a one-time code

Or, something you are:
– A fingerprint scan
– Facial recognition
– Eye recognition

And the real magic is when you combine two for multi-factor authentication (MFA) without passwords.

Note that USB tokens can include fingerprint scanners for built-in MFA. Your IT Team might need to get creative using mobile phone technology to accomplish both. If you decide to use push notifications, be sure to refer to https://fosterinstitute.com/mfa-fatigue-the-hidden-danger-and-how-to-combat-it/

There are few ways attackers can exploit some of these login methods, and your IT Team can help you shore up weaknesses. Visit with your IT Team about ways you can eliminate passwords. Be sure they’ve seen this post: https://fosterinstitute.com/the-risk-iphone-theft-poses-to-your-passkeys-and-what-to-do-now/

Know About Passkeys:

Be sure you, and your IT team, know about passkeys. Passkeys are the future, and the future is arriving now: https://fosterinstitute.com/the-rise-of-passkeys-a-paradigm-shift-in-authentication-technology/

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