Everyone is concerned about the danger of a user clicking on a link in an email message, perhaps invoking a ransomware attack, or users responding to requests to transfer money. There are tools that will help.FYI: We do not receive any kind of compensation or payment for recommending products, nor do we endorse any of them.
An example tool that can help protect against users opening or clicking in an email is Mimecast Targeted Threat Protection. At least one of our clients use this tool and now we do too. There are similar solutions that may work better in your situation.
Here’s what the tools do: When an inbound email contains one or more links and a user clicks, Mimecast will intercept the link and attempt to determine if the link goes to a website that is known to be malicious. If it is a known bad site, the click is blocked and the user receives a message. Your existing firewall (if you have the web content filtering feature enabled) may provide you with similar protection already for users inside your office, but not always for users who are travelling or working from home.
These tools scan email attachments in an effort to detect malicious code in the attachments. Your existing spam filtering mechanism may offer this feature.
Mimecast will also block email messages that seem to be from impostors. When a user receives an email that appears to be from someone impersonating the boss, requesting a wire transfer, the service will warn the user to be careful.
While there are no guarantees this kind of tool will stop an email phishing attack, any kind of protection is a welcomed improvement. Ask whomever is providing your anti-spam solution if they offer an add-on solution similar to Mimecast’s Targeted Threat Protection.
Please forward this to everyone you know who is concerned about their users clicking a link in an email message, opening an infected attachment, or responding to an email asking them to transfer money.