
I was amazed not only by the depth of your program, but also by the fact you kept everyone involved in the subject. Your discussion on laptop encryption alone would have made the trip worthwhile! I appreciated your pitch to the CEOs, many of whom are not informed...


Mike is very good at what he does, and his knowledge of IT security issues is obviously extensive. I came away with some additional tools to research, try out and put in place.


Not only are you well informed, but you are able to communicate your information on multiple levels at the same time—to IT professionals and to the CEOs. I learned a lot from your program, and plan to check out all of the free information you supplied to us about...


Working with Mike was much more productive than past experiences with consultants because his focus wasn’t overly technical, which allowed the decision- makers to better grasp our needs. I wish we could work with Mike more, at least once a year in order to keep...


We are in our second year with Mike. The first year we knocked out a big chunk of weaknesses that we had. We were ready for him the second year… yet he was able to improve upon our network even more. He can always find a way to make your network...